Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Freedom Yoga Project- Blog 7-Current Vibrations

Re-creating yourself has to do with the company you keep, our environment includes the atmosphere of the space we are in, the people in that space, and how we affect the atmosphere as if with the tide of waters."

The last Freedom Yoga class before the 5 week hiatus did it differently. We visualized the perpetual elephant in the room: the air we breathed and space we kept. Like a fish would with his surrounding support.

“There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, "Morning boys. How's the water?"

And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, "What the hell is water?"

-David foster Wallace
Taking a trip

Get conscious, be aware of the water you’re in, go on a trip, make it out of your mind, and indulge in the miracle of life, in a way a newborn would creep into a world of fascinated on lookers, get fascinated with what you choose to surround yourself with and what you find yourself surrounded with, as it is the best way to grow, by learning not just from what surrounds you but becoming aware of that very energy.

People, places, behaviors, intentions, circumstances. The number is 5 and it works like this, for the past 5 months I’ve created here, and for the next 5 weeks I go there and there. ‘Here’ is full of growth and shifts. ‘Here’ was once ‘There’, until the tides changed and winter seamlessly transitioned into spring. The water swayed and the school of fish changed. When the tides changed, a well flowing machine begun questioning his movement, and when the movement changed locations, the shape of objects and objectives were instantly redirected, as was the surrounding and the people to which I was subjectively redirected, a complete revamp of the previous era.

Robbie Tenzer - a student with more heart than she’ll ever know, an inspiration that is rich in flavor, a grit that is the most fantastic thing I’ve experienced in Hong Kong, a yogi, a fashionista, and a genius in designing denim, a complete human, and a woman with a spine – the support

Perri Gorman - our time together is always limited, but her space was my aquarium for 2 months while she traveled. A shift in space created a rush of clarity and a new-found solitary opportunity. This woman is on fire, if she doesn’t burn out, then she’ll fly like a rocket, the queen of getting it done. check out -

Neer, Eric, John, Richard G, Chris, and Peter - the men in my life, a whole bunch, who have proven to me that my individuality is a prize, that my courage is an asset, and that my intuition is spot on. These men are my Monday night Men’s group, and they are standard keepers, the trend setters of my life for the week.

What makes the men so powerful is that with them I can practice the vocabulary fight, it’s a spiritual experience of trust and safety where the art of argument is championed in this sacred group. It’s not so much about the argument as it is the honest and open environment that makes it possible for us to experience our edge, noticing its arrival, and breathing right in to it.

When I make my approaching 5-week trip, what I will miss most are those sweaty hours in the dance sessions with Alfred and Giselle , two Pure-Fitness instructors who influenced my rhythm more than any other teacher in HK since my return from NYC. From Hip Hop to Modern, an unlikely duo that have re-created the idea of truth and have done it better than any yogi could have.

A woman, with whom I spent 83 hours, Ana Forrest , who is the personification of ‘in your face’, of living on the edge with a sense of compassion that makes the present moment sweet and full of depth even when it’s painted with mud. I don’t know what you did, but I’m more awake than I have ever been. Thank you.

Ana passed the baton over toSchuyer Grant , a woman I’ve met only twice, brief encounters post her Kula Flow classes in Tribeca, NYC. I’m following my heart and with limited experience, I’m jumping in to her Advanced Teacher Training starting in Old Saybrook, Connecticut on Oct 1st. Already, her sense of creativity has spoken deeply to my living, now I’m bringing it back with me.

Simon Park and Julia Horn - the mix tape will explain…stay tuned.

Lawrence Pradhan - the other half of the musical force known as ‘The Freedom Yoga Project’ although I would argue he is more than half of anything. I’m humbled for his presence, and his genuineness. I learn from him moment to moment.

A woman who is taking the world by storm. Johanna Andersson is more than a Nike spokesperson, she is the yogi version of Madonna in the making, with heart, and experience (she has assisted Shiva Rea, and had been singled out by Ana Forrest). Her teaching schedule has the 26 year-old traveling Europe with workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings, working themselves in between her own busy training schedule as well as constant up keep of a website and constantly updated blog.

The East Village - Jess and Brigitte , and the trips we take to the tattoo parlors.

But know I’m saving the best for last… the Four Pack: Rani, Alice, Maria, Angel – these are students that have stepped far beyond the call of duty, taking initiative beyond their practice.

Rani - the ultimate, organization whizz, a heart of gold, and a calling for the truth as well as the official editor of this very blog. So wise…wise. I will never forget the moment that we first really saw each other, mats side by side while Nickie Pool worked us hard in the core practice during the Ellen Heed workshop.

Alice - the brave soul, she energizes me on a regular basis with her ability to listen, open her mind, and creatively explore a left brain, with a need to break out the box. The inspiration.

Maria, I remember the day she slipped into my class for the first time, in TST, she has been by my side ever since, a beautiful woman and the ultimate movement expert: a dancer, a Pilates teacher and serious yogi, living from a sense of play - this girl lives in her body.
Freedom @ Mint. modern dance, with a poetic strum, the band. LJM, LP, ML.

Angel, My friend. My student, My teacher, and tour guide to the Milman women when in HK.

These are my currents, the water that I jumped into, they have been and will continue to be. Yet, I’m stepping in to a brand new place, three weeks in Bali, two in the American northeast, from paradise, the terrain I was created on, only to live and be re-created.

GoBee Free.

editor-Rani Kamaruddin

Copyright © Lawrence-Jacob Milman, 2009. All rights reserved. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of the work, whether by photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner, is prohibited. Any unauthorised use or act in relation to the work appearing on this website will result in both civil and criminal liability.

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